Legal Statement

Monterey Bay Asset Management, LLC is a Registered Investment Advisor in the State of California. All information contained herein is for informational purposes only for residents of the United States and does not constitute a solicitation or offer to sell securities or investment advisory services. Such an offer can only be made in states where Monterey Bay Asset Management, LLC is registered or where an exemption from registration is available. Representatives of the firm may only conduct business in a state if the firm and its representatives are approved to do business in the state or are exempted from the state's registration requirements. A copy of Monterey Bay Asset Management’s Form ADV-Part II and Privacy Policy is provided to all clients and prospective clients and additionally is available upon request.

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Monterey Bay Asset Management makes no representations about any other website which you may access through this one. Links are provided to site users for convenience and informational purposes, and are not intended as referrals or endorsements. The content and maintenance of external links are the responsibility of the linked organization, and any views or opinions presented therein do not necessarily reflect the views or opinions of Monterey Bay Asset Management.

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